Android x86 9.0 (32/64Bit)
Android, the world's most popular mobile operating system is now available for the desktop PC. ..
Bliss OS x86 V15 (64Bit)
Android for your PCAn Open Source OS, based on Android, that incorporates many optimizations, featur..
Chrome Cr OS (32/64Bit)
Cr OS Linux (pronounced like Cros Linux) is the free OS built around the revolutionary Chromium ..
Chromixium OS 1.5 (32Bit)
Chromixium – a free and open source computer operating system designed to mimic the look and feel of..
Phoenix OS 3.6.1 "Android for PC & Laptops" (32/64Bit)
Phoenix OS is an Android emulator and operating system that allows you to run Android apps and games..
PrimeOS 2.1.3 "Android for PC & Laptops" (64Bit)
PrimeOS Linux Classic 0.4.5 "Android for PC"Prime OS operating system gives a complete desktop exp..
Remix OS 3.0 "Android for PC & Laptop" (32/64Bit)
Remix OS is an operating system based on Android-x86. Remix OS merges the Android operating system w..